Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
LIBYA: Foreign Office information...
foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO)
#Libya British nationals still in Libya please let us know where you are if you haven't already 021 340 3644/45 http://ow.ly/440J9
Friday, February 25, 2011
NICK CLEGG. Coward and hypocrite, has told Mrs.McKinnon it is best they no longer meet, he has washed his hands of Gary McKinnon.....well thats that then..lets all take a long last look at Gary's lovely smiling face because when the Americans get their hands on him he will become unrecognisable. Clegg, you snivelling brat have betrayed us all...
Bradley Manning ,eight months after being detained, drugged , for his own good, we are told....on suicide watch, in other words his life made as unpleasant as possible, which means without bedding or a pillow and Lord knows what else they are doing to him behind those prison walls. They need to break Mr.Mannings moral in the hope he will confess to something he is alleged to have done , the Yanks need to place Julian Assange in the frame and if some of the fascists in the American Goverment have their way, execute them both.
PAYPAL have also cut off Bradleys defence fund , on whose orders? they are not required to say !!!!
SLIMY CLEGG vowed to help to win votes...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Spanish mother reunited with daughter she was told had died at birth
Case is latest in growing scandal over babies allegedly stolen by doctors and sold for adoption over several decades
- Giles Tremlett in Madrid
- guardian.co.uk,
- Article history
It is the first proven case in a growing scandal over babies stolen by Spanish hospital doctors and sold for adoption.
A DNA test proved the blood tie between the two women after the daughter hired private detectives to trace her biological mother.
"The adoption was legal, with her birth certificate saying she was 'adopted from an unknown mother'," Antonio Barroso, the head of an organisation investigating cases of missing babies, said.
The mother was left to mourn her baby after being told she had died at birth in a Barcelona clinic. "The doctors told her that her daughter had died. She even has the death certificate," Barroso said. "We went to a laboratory and the result left no doubt. It is only now that the girl has seen her own death certificate."
Barroso said mother and daughter – who have asked not to be named – were reunited in December and the case had since been passed on to the attorney general's office.
Another spokesman for the group, Juan Luis Moreno, told El Pais newspaper that the mother had always suspected her child had not really died, but hospital authorities in Barcelona had told her they would take charge of burying the baby.
Many of those now seeking lost babies are women who never saw their baby's corpse because hospitals said they would take charge of burial.
Barroso's organisation has asked the attorney general to investigate several hundred cases of illegal adoption.
The attorney general agreed to co-ordinate the different investigations that will be carried out by prosecutors at a provincial level.
Barroso said the case opened up the possibility that many children who were adopted in circumstances that may have seemed legal at the time were actually stolen.
These would be added to existing cases where adopted children were apparently registered as the biological children of their adoptive parents.
Barroso helped found the group after discovering that his own parents had paid an intermediary who produced children for adoption from a hospital in Zaragoza.
The cases go back many decades. Although they began during the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco, they seem to have carried on after his death in 1975. On Tuesday, the Catalan Republican Left party will ask Spain's parliament to aid those seeking lost children, with the creation of a DNA bank to help them.
Rescued from floods: The lucky to be alive badgers weighing less than four spoons of sugar each
By Daily Mail ReporterLast updated at 3:14 PM on 20th February 2011
These super sweet baby badgers weigh less than four spoons of sugar each - and are lucky to be alive after being saved from British floods last week by their quick-thinking mother.
The 2oz cubs are just over a week old and are the smallest ever seen by Secret World Widlife Rescue in Highbridge, Somerset, and signal the approaching Spring.
And because the animals aren't normally seen until they first venture out of their sett at three months, they give a rare glimpse of what early life is like for the animals.
Week old: Tiny badgers in the hands of Pauline Kidner. They weigh less than four spoons of sugar each - and will grow to an average of seven kilos
Staff say their mother detected the oncoming danger - as animals often sense disasters before they strike - and moved them to higher ground to stop them from drowning.
A local found them desperately calling out while stashed inside and, with their mother nowhere to be seen, they alerted Secret World who took them in.
Because of their light weight and the need to measure them carefully the two females and one male were named Lavender, Saffron and Nutmeg after spices used for cooking.
As the badger cubs' umbilical cords had dropped off and their belly buttons had formed, Secret World charity founder, Pauline Kidner, 60, knew the babies must have been at least three days old when they reached her animal rescue centre last Sunday.
'They're the first of the year and its a nice message for everyone that Spring is just around the corner,' said Pauline.
Tiny: Three lucky to be alive baby badgers being weighed on some scales at Secret World Wildlife Rescue in Somerset
Rescue: Tiny badgers were find inside a barrel - and it is thought their mother had moved them up onto higher ground to stop them drowning
'I was actually shocked to see they were badger cubs - I thought at first they must have been rabbits, which are smaller.
'The original call was from a couple in Wales who had their own piece of land.
'Some of the setts in the area were flooded and we believe the mother probably moved the cubs into the barrel for their protection.
'They were distressed so the couple moved them closer to a nearby badger sett - hoping that the mother would return. But nothing happened.
'The cubs were becoming really cold and at such a small size they can't retain their body heat alone, so they called us knowing we had the facilities to rear them.'
The baby badgers will be kept in an incubator and fed milk by members of staff for the first five weeks.
They will then be moved to a cubby hole in Pauline's kitchen where they will be provided with a heat lamp, a warm bed of fleeces and even a webcam so anyone in the world can follow their development on line.
Eventually they will out grow their cubby hole and roam in the kitchen until they are ready to be weaned from their milk.
After this the youthful trio will move to a nearby enclosure with other badger cubs to from a new family. All the badgers will be transferred to a grassy field where all human contact will be restricted -to prepare them for life in the wild.
While there they will learn survival skills such as digging and foraging.
Rare: The animals aren't normally seen until they first venture out of their sett at three months
'They're just starting to move their ears - it's interesting to see the development as the days go by,' said Pauline.
'It will probably be another week before they can use their back legs to scratch.
'Badgers are one of the slowest maturing animal we have so it's five weeks before their eyes and ears open.
'They wouldn't normally come up above the ground until they're 12 weeks old.
'What we're seeing is obviously something that people wouldn't normally see.'
When fully grown the badgers can expect to weigh an average of seven kilograms.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358819/Baby-badgers-rescued-floods-weighing-4-spoons-sugar-each.html#ixzz1EWmhkJTH
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bamber: vows to clear his name
CONVICTED killer Jeremy Bamber has vowed to fight on to prove his innocence after his latest bid for an appeal was rejected.
Bamber was jailed for life in 1986 for the murders of his parents June and Nevill Bamber, both 62, his sister Sheila Caffell, 27, and her twin sons, Nicholas and Daniel, who were six, at White House Farm in Tolleshunt D’Arcy.
He was accused of wiping out his family in order to inherit £436,000 and more than 300 acres of farmland.
Bamber has continually denied he was responsible for the crime, claiming it was Sheila who killed the family before turning the gun on herself.
He has been allowed two appeals against his conviction at the High Court in 1989 and 2001 but both were rejected.
Now the Criminal Cases Review Commission has rejected his latest bid to have his conviction overturned.
The body, set up to investigate possible miscarriages of justice, has made a provisional decision not to refer his murder convictions to the Court of Appeal.
But Bamber said he will fight on and is preparing to challenge the decision.
For more on this story, see this week's Essex County Standard.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Jeremy Bamber: Performance of a lifetime...
MASS murderer Jeremy Bamber put on the greatest acting performance of his life at the funeral of five members of his family who he massacred. Supported by girlfriend Julie Mugford, he wept hysterically with his face contorted in a mask of grief....
Months earlier in August 1985 the 23-year-old monster had shot dead his adoptive father Nevill Bamber, 61, his mother June Bamber 61, half-sister Sheila 'Bambi' Caffell 27, and her six-year twin boys Nicholas and Daniel.
Bamber, who wanted a 436,000 pounds inheritance all for himself, tried to make police believe it was Sheila who carried out the murders at the family home in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex, before killing herself. He was jailed for life in 1986.
Months earlier in August 1985 the 23-year-old monster had shot dead his adoptive father Nevill Bamber, 61, his mother June Bamber 61, half-sister Sheila 'Bambi' Caffell 27, and her six-year twin boys Nicholas and Daniel.
Bamber, who wanted a 436,000 pounds inheritance all for himself, tried to make police believe it was Sheila who carried out the murders at the family home in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex, before killing herself. He was jailed for life in 1986.
Jeremy Bamber..above his station...
BAMBER not liked it seems 'HorseyDave' a poster on the Bamber forum claims to have known the dear chap....
Get a life you lot - You are all guilty of discrediting this site. NO 8mm/9mm bullets found. NO den found, and if you really do think that they all got together and planned the whole thing, read his fathers will.
I imagine that if i asked you all to describe JB you'd all have the idea that he was a "simple farmers son, he worked on the farm, toiled all day, joined in the village fete, attended church, oh what a charming boy" !!!!!!!!
And IF he hadnt been locked up and he was out today, he wouldnt of given you the time of day - He was "above his station", he thought himself far too important to talk to the likes of us, he was a playboy, he drove around like a nutter, he took drugs, showed no respect for the farm as a working farm, and if, as did happen on more than one occasion when i was there, if it was his turn to check on the heifers, or drive the combine, one of us would always get a late night phonecall saying he was stuck in London (ie too busy partying to give a toss about the farm)
I imagine that if i asked you all to describe JB you'd all have the idea that he was a "simple farmers son, he worked on the farm, toiled all day, joined in the village fete, attended church, oh what a charming boy" !!!!!!!!
And IF he hadnt been locked up and he was out today, he wouldnt of given you the time of day - He was "above his station", he thought himself far too important to talk to the likes of us, he was a playboy, he drove around like a nutter, he took drugs, showed no respect for the farm as a working farm, and if, as did happen on more than one occasion when i was there, if it was his turn to check on the heifers, or drive the combine, one of us would always get a late night phonecall saying he was stuck in London (ie too busy partying to give a toss about the farm)
Jeremy Bamber: A somewhat inane theory from a transcript 'The Innocent Man' written by David Shaw (pseudo) who claims one of the reasons the police framed Bamber , they were under pressure for not finding the killer of a local doctors wife Diane Jones.
New appeal over doctor's wife murder 27 years ago
4:07pm Tuesday 28th December 2010
It is one of a number of "cold" cases being republicised in the hope of getting new informatiom.
Mrs Jones, 35, went missing from her home on July 23,1983.
Beaters on a pheasant shoot found her body in a wood in Brightwell, near Martlesham, Suffolk, on October 22.
Mrs Jones, who was two months pregnant, had multiple skull fractures. Police believed she had been battered with a spiked hammer shortly after she went missing, but the weapon was not found.
Suffolk and Norfolk’s joint Major Investigation Team will use the internet to renew appeals on cold cases stretching back to the 1960s, in a bid to uncover new information to help with their inquiries.
Transcript 'The Innocent Man by David Shaw
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hillsborough remembered: Kenny Dalglish was shining light in Liverpool's darkest hour
It was early in the morning and Anfield stood empty except for one man. Kenny Dalglish had arrived just after dawn, let himself in, hurried through the dressing-room area, instinctively reached up and touched the sign that read "This is Anfield" and then stepped up on to the pitch.
In the 20 years that have elapsed since the Hillsborough disaster, Dalglish has always called what awaited him that morning as the "saddest and most beautiful sight".
As well as the Kop, half the playing surface was covered in scarves, wreaths and tributes to the 96 Liverpool fans crushed to death on the Leppings Lane End.
Sadness cloaked the scene like a long grey cloud, emotion writ large in every scribbled message to a friend who'd died, in every tear-stained note to a fallen son, daughter, father or uncle. For Dalglish, the beauty came from this vast outpouring of love, of a club reaching out to those in their hour of need.
As Dalglish made his way towards the Kop, the only sound he could hear was the cellophane around bunches of flowers rustling in the wind. In his hands, the Liverpool manager clutched two teddy bears taken from his children's bed-rooms.
Taking care not to tread on tributes, he walked towards the Kop goalmouth.
This part of Anfield had been a place of celebration for "King Kenny" on so many occasions, Liverpool's greatest player wheeling away, his face lit up with a smile, another keeper beaten, another party started on the Kop. Not this time. The feelings were of anger, confusion, desolation.
Tenderly, the soberly-suited Dalglish leant forward and tied the teddy bears to a goalpost. As a father, his heart broke for all those parents across Merseyside burying their children.
To understand Dalglish's heroic response to the Hillsborough Disaster, to appreciate why he took it upon himself to carry a club and a city until eventually he broke under the strain, one has to recognise his passion for the family, for his wife Marina and their four children and also for his footballing family, Liverpool FC.
Naturally shy, Dalglish blossomed only within the embrace of these families, whether at home or on holiday, or in the dressing-room. The perception of Dalglish as dour is mocked by all privileged to have been in his company at his house or in the dressing-room.
Ask Marina Dalglish, Kelly Dalglish, Alan Hansen or Graeme Souness. They will speak of Dalglish's humour, his love of wind-ups, his immense warmth as a human being.
When Hillsborough plunged a city into mourning, Liverpool's family craved a leader, a beacon. As manager of the team, as a father who endured a nightmare 20 minutes until his son Paul, who had been amongst the Liverpool fans, walked across the pitch towards him, Dalglish was the man who held together a grief-stricken community.
"They supported Liverpool," he told those close to him, "now it is the turn of Liverpool Football Club to support them."
And they did. Along with his indefatigable wife and club dignitaries like Noel White and Peter Robinson, Dalglish helped the bereaved, comforting them and ensuring Liverpool were represented at every funeral.
Hansen, John Barnes, John Aldridge, Bruce Grobbelaar and the rest of the squad attended service after church service, some of them "reading from the scriptures" as Dalglish puts it. Kenny and Marina went to four funerals in one day, requiring a police escort to guide them through the traffic.
When asked by Dalglish in 1996 to assist in writing his autobiography, I quickly learned the Hillsborough chapter would be the most difficult. Inevitable. The pain ran deep within Dalglish. Disasters have scarred him. He was on the terraces at Ibrox in 1971, on the pitch at Heysel in 1985 and in the dug-out at Hillsborough in 1989.
Reminded of all the many letters of thanks that the Hillsborough families had written to him, Dalglish finally opened up, talking without pausing about his frustration that the FA Cup semi-final with Nottingham Forest had not been delayed.
The moment it became known Liverpool fans were held up in motorway roadworks, Dalglish argued the game should have kicked off at 3.15, later if necessary.
He voiced his anger at the "terrible mistakes'' of the authorities, both the South Yorkshire Police and the Football Association. He was surprised the Forest manager, Brian Clough, did not join him in the stadium announcer's booth to appeal for calm.
It is fair to say that Dalglish's respect for Clough lessened that grim afternoon. In the days that followed, he was similarly dismissive of those politicians who turned up at Anfield, viewing a Kop draped in scarves as a photo-opportunity. Only Neil Kinnock impressed him with the genuineness of his grief.
Through all this, Dalglish stayed strong, making light of the stress counsellor sent by the club to his office. "Go and see Peter Robinson,'' said Dalglish. Robinson rang a minute later jokingly to chastise Dalglish. These were men of substance who thoughts of others before themselves.
Soon, though, Dalglish came out in shingles, requiring daily injections at Melwood to keep him going. Eventually, 21 months after Hillsborough, and concerned that he was constantly bawling out his children, Dalglish resigned as manager.
"All the emotion and stress of Hillsborough, all the weight of responsibility he felt, had taken its toll," said Kelly, his daughter and now a respected television reporter. "Hillsborough was devastating for dad."
Liverpool fans will never forget. "King Kenny" brought them such joy: the dinked winner in the 1978 European Cup final at Wembley, the volley at Stamford Bridge to set up the 1986 Double.
Anfield also reveres him as the last manager to bring the league title, back in 1990. Yet Dalglish's response to the Hillsborough disaster, to Liverpool's darkest hour, stands as his greatest achievement.
It was early in the morning and Anfield stood empty except for one man. Kenny Dalglish had arrived just after dawn, let himself in, hurried through the dressing-room area, instinctively reached up and touched the sign that read "This is Anfield" and then stepped up on to the pitch.
In the 20 years that have elapsed since the Hillsborough disaster, Dalglish has always called what awaited him that morning as the "saddest and most beautiful sight".
As well as the Kop, half the playing surface was covered in scarves, wreaths and tributes to the 96 Liverpool fans crushed to death on the Leppings Lane End.
Sadness cloaked the scene like a long grey cloud, emotion writ large in every scribbled message to a friend who'd died, in every tear-stained note to a fallen son, daughter, father or uncle. For Dalglish, the beauty came from this vast outpouring of love, of a club reaching out to those in their hour of need.
As Dalglish made his way towards the Kop, the only sound he could hear was the cellophane around bunches of flowers rustling in the wind. In his hands, the Liverpool manager clutched two teddy bears taken from his children's bed-rooms.
Taking care not to tread on tributes, he walked towards the Kop goalmouth.
This part of Anfield had been a place of celebration for "King Kenny" on so many occasions, Liverpool's greatest player wheeling away, his face lit up with a smile, another keeper beaten, another party started on the Kop. Not this time. The feelings were of anger, confusion, desolation.
Tenderly, the soberly-suited Dalglish leant forward and tied the teddy bears to a goalpost. As a father, his heart broke for all those parents across Merseyside burying their children.
To understand Dalglish's heroic response to the Hillsborough Disaster, to appreciate why he took it upon himself to carry a club and a city until eventually he broke under the strain, one has to recognise his passion for the family, for his wife Marina and their four children and also for his footballing family, Liverpool FC.
Naturally shy, Dalglish blossomed only within the embrace of these families, whether at home or on holiday, or in the dressing-room. The perception of Dalglish as dour is mocked by all privileged to have been in his company at his house or in the dressing-room.
Ask Marina Dalglish, Kelly Dalglish, Alan Hansen or Graeme Souness. They will speak of Dalglish's humour, his love of wind-ups, his immense warmth as a human being.
When Hillsborough plunged a city into mourning, Liverpool's family craved a leader, a beacon. As manager of the team, as a father who endured a nightmare 20 minutes until his son Paul, who had been amongst the Liverpool fans, walked across the pitch towards him, Dalglish was the man who held together a grief-stricken community.
"They supported Liverpool," he told those close to him, "now it is the turn of Liverpool Football Club to support them."
And they did. Along with his indefatigable wife and club dignitaries like Noel White and Peter Robinson, Dalglish helped the bereaved, comforting them and ensuring Liverpool were represented at every funeral.
Hansen, John Barnes, John Aldridge, Bruce Grobbelaar and the rest of the squad attended service after church service, some of them "reading from the scriptures" as Dalglish puts it. Kenny and Marina went to four funerals in one day, requiring a police escort to guide them through the traffic.
When asked by Dalglish in 1996 to assist in writing his autobiography, I quickly learned the Hillsborough chapter would be the most difficult. Inevitable. The pain ran deep within Dalglish. Disasters have scarred him. He was on the terraces at Ibrox in 1971, on the pitch at Heysel in 1985 and in the dug-out at Hillsborough in 1989.
Reminded of all the many letters of thanks that the Hillsborough families had written to him, Dalglish finally opened up, talking without pausing about his frustration that the FA Cup semi-final with Nottingham Forest had not been delayed.
The moment it became known Liverpool fans were held up in motorway roadworks, Dalglish argued the game should have kicked off at 3.15, later if necessary.
He voiced his anger at the "terrible mistakes'' of the authorities, both the South Yorkshire Police and the Football Association. He was surprised the Forest manager, Brian Clough, did not join him in the stadium announcer's booth to appeal for calm.
It is fair to say that Dalglish's respect for Clough lessened that grim afternoon. In the days that followed, he was similarly dismissive of those politicians who turned up at Anfield, viewing a Kop draped in scarves as a photo-opportunity. Only Neil Kinnock impressed him with the genuineness of his grief.
Through all this, Dalglish stayed strong, making light of the stress counsellor sent by the club to his office. "Go and see Peter Robinson,'' said Dalglish. Robinson rang a minute later jokingly to chastise Dalglish. These were men of substance who thoughts of others before themselves.
Soon, though, Dalglish came out in shingles, requiring daily injections at Melwood to keep him going. Eventually, 21 months after Hillsborough, and concerned that he was constantly bawling out his children, Dalglish resigned as manager.
"All the emotion and stress of Hillsborough, all the weight of responsibility he felt, had taken its toll," said Kelly, his daughter and now a respected television reporter. "Hillsborough was devastating for dad."
Liverpool fans will never forget. "King Kenny" brought them such joy: the dinked winner in the 1978 European Cup final at Wembley, the volley at Stamford Bridge to set up the 1986 Double.
Anfield also reveres him as the last manager to bring the league title, back in 1990. Yet Dalglish's response to the Hillsborough disaster, to Liverpool's darkest hour, stands as his greatest achievement.
Officer down…
A female police officer has been found hanged in toilets at a Wakefield hospital, prompting an investigation.
South Yorkshire Police officer Andrea Jayne Shelton was taken to Pinderfields Hospital after she was found at home with various injuries to her body.
The 45-year-old was later found dead in the toilets of the ward where she was being treated on 19 January.
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances. An investigation has been launched by the hospital.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
BAMBER: Report from Prof. Herbert Leon MacDonnell
(23rd October 1992)
(5) Blood running from Sheila Caffells nose and mouth travelled across her face horizontally.No blood ran down towards her lower body. Therefore, she could not have been standing or sitting up when she was shot and remianed in such a position or some blood trails would have formed down her face and body. Directionality of the blood trails across her face are shown in photoghraphs 28 and 29.
(6) Sheila Caffells right arm was moved after she was shot. Her right hand could have been holding her neck after she had been shot. Photograph 28 suggests that something or someone had smeared blood around the upper entrance wound in her neck. If her right thumb or fingers pressed against this wound they would have become bloodstained. Unfortunately, none of the scene photographs show her right hand in a perspective that shows blood in this location if it was there. A photograph of her right hand taken at the morgue does not show any blood inside the right hand but it is not known when this photograph was taken; before or after the body was washed?
(7) while her hand was near her neck, or against it, blood ran down from her neck wounds and soaked into the upper right of her nightgown. This blood also stained the inner aspects of her right arm between her wrist and elbow as may be seen in photograph 29.
(8) When her arm was positioned to where it was later found, blood from her fingers, or the fingers of whoever was moving her arm, wiped against her nightgown producing the bloody finger marks that are shown in photograph 29. The large quantity of blood that had pooled between her right arm and upper body was released when her arm was moved. This blood ran down over the lateral aspects of her right arm as shown in photographs 27 and 29.
(9) Further evidence of the movement of Sheila Caffells right arm is evidenced by the alternate stain and void elongated fold patterns in her nightgown. These stains, shown just above her bicep in photograph 29, resulted when blood that had pooled up and between her arm and folds in her nightgown was held in that location by compression.
(10) It is evident that in photograph 29 that the letter or note that is either in or under the bible is not in the position it was in against against the victims arm when it became bloodstained. When blood ran down over Sheila Caffells upper right arm, the bottom of the blood trail, shown to the left in photograph 29, produced a small stain on the edge of the letter or note, just over the letter "t" in "another". The bottom of this blood trail is not aligned with the stain on the note in photograph 29 so there has been a shift of the bible, the arm or both.
(11) The blood on the carpet around the body of Sheila Caffell was on the carpet before the bible was placed on the floor. This is evident in photograph 32.
(12) The rifle found over Sheila Caffells body was placed in the position in which it was found. It has been reported that a rifle, found in another room in the house, had blood of the same group as Sheila Caffell in its sound moderator. The length of this rifle, from the end of the sound moderator to the trigger, is some thirty six inches. This distance is too great for Sheila Caffell to have self-inflicted her two neck wounds. Therefore, Sheila Caffell did not shoot herself. Like the other four victims, Sheila Caffell was murdered.
Since I have concluded that the death of Sheila Caffell was not a suicide this should be sufficient for you to decide whether or not you may want me to submit any additional reports.
Respectfully submitted
Herbert Leon MacDonell.
(5) Blood running from Sheila Caffells nose and mouth travelled across her face horizontally.No blood ran down towards her lower body. Therefore, she could not have been standing or sitting up when she was shot and remianed in such a position or some blood trails would have formed down her face and body. Directionality of the blood trails across her face are shown in photoghraphs 28 and 29.
(6) Sheila Caffells right arm was moved after she was shot. Her right hand could have been holding her neck after she had been shot. Photograph 28 suggests that something or someone had smeared blood around the upper entrance wound in her neck. If her right thumb or fingers pressed against this wound they would have become bloodstained. Unfortunately, none of the scene photographs show her right hand in a perspective that shows blood in this location if it was there. A photograph of her right hand taken at the morgue does not show any blood inside the right hand but it is not known when this photograph was taken; before or after the body was washed?
(7) while her hand was near her neck, or against it, blood ran down from her neck wounds and soaked into the upper right of her nightgown. This blood also stained the inner aspects of her right arm between her wrist and elbow as may be seen in photograph 29.
(8) When her arm was positioned to where it was later found, blood from her fingers, or the fingers of whoever was moving her arm, wiped against her nightgown producing the bloody finger marks that are shown in photograph 29. The large quantity of blood that had pooled between her right arm and upper body was released when her arm was moved. This blood ran down over the lateral aspects of her right arm as shown in photographs 27 and 29.
(9) Further evidence of the movement of Sheila Caffells right arm is evidenced by the alternate stain and void elongated fold patterns in her nightgown. These stains, shown just above her bicep in photograph 29, resulted when blood that had pooled up and between her arm and folds in her nightgown was held in that location by compression.
(10) It is evident that in photograph 29 that the letter or note that is either in or under the bible is not in the position it was in against against the victims arm when it became bloodstained. When blood ran down over Sheila Caffells upper right arm, the bottom of the blood trail, shown to the left in photograph 29, produced a small stain on the edge of the letter or note, just over the letter "t" in "another". The bottom of this blood trail is not aligned with the stain on the note in photograph 29 so there has been a shift of the bible, the arm or both.
(11) The blood on the carpet around the body of Sheila Caffell was on the carpet before the bible was placed on the floor. This is evident in photograph 32.
(12) The rifle found over Sheila Caffells body was placed in the position in which it was found. It has been reported that a rifle, found in another room in the house, had blood of the same group as Sheila Caffell in its sound moderator. The length of this rifle, from the end of the sound moderator to the trigger, is some thirty six inches. This distance is too great for Sheila Caffell to have self-inflicted her two neck wounds. Therefore, Sheila Caffell did not shoot herself. Like the other four victims, Sheila Caffell was murdered.
Since I have concluded that the death of Sheila Caffell was not a suicide this should be sufficient for you to decide whether or not you may want me to submit any additional reports.
Respectfully submitted
Herbert Leon MacDonell.
Julie Mugford villified by Team Bamber, when in fact they were very much alike...petty thieves and liars.
Julie Mugford accused of telling her story for 'blood money...when Bamber had the exact same idea..
Ed Lawson, QC, Mr Rivlin's junior at the trial, described how, on the eve of conviction, Bamber was "disconcertingly composed" and "talking somewhat unattractively about how much money he would make from selling his story to Fleet Street". Lawson will take no part; he died from a stroke earlier this year.
Julie Mugford accused of telling her story for 'blood money...when Bamber had the exact same idea..
Ed Lawson, QC, Mr Rivlin's junior at the trial, described how, on the eve of conviction, Bamber was "disconcertingly composed" and "talking somewhat unattractively about how much money he would make from selling his story to Fleet Street". Lawson will take no part; he died from a stroke earlier this year.
Jeremy Bamber: When in August 1992 the Police Complaints Authority dismissed his concerns over the way the original investigation was handled by Essex Constabulary, he joined five other inmates in Franklin, Durham in wrecking their cells and pasting the words “Free Bamber he is innocent” in excrement on the walls.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Jeremy Bamber: Prof. Herbert Leon MaCdonell Report...SHEILA CAFFELL was murdered..
(23rd October 1992)
(5) Blood running from Sheila Caffells nose and mouth travelled across her face horizontally.No blood ran down towards her lower body. Therefore, she could not have been standing or sitting up when she was shot and remianed in such a position or some blood trails would have formed down her face and body. Directionality of the blood trails across her face are shown in photoghraphs 28 and 29.
(6) Sheila Caffells right arm was moved after she was shot. Her right hand could have been holding her neck after she had been shot. Photograph 28 suggests that something or someone had smeared blood around the upper entrance wound in her neck. If her right thumb or fingers pressed against this wound they would have become bloodstained. Unfortunately, none of the scene photographs show her right hand in a perspective that shows blood in this location if it was there. A photograph of her right hand taken at the morgue does not show any blood inside the right hand but it is not known when this photograph was taken; before or after the body was washed?
(7) while her hand was near her neck, or against it, blood ran down from her neck wounds and soaked into the upper right of her nightgown. This blood also stained the inner aspects of her right arm between her wrist and elbow as may be seen in photograph 29.
(8) When her arm was positioned to where it was later found, blood from her fingers, or the fingers of whoever was moving her arm, wiped against her nightgown producing the bloody finger marks that are shown in photograph 29. The large quantity of blood that had pooled between her right arm and upper body was released when her arm was moved. This blood ran down over the lateral aspects of her right arm as shown in photographs 27 and 29.
(9) Further evidence of the movement of Sheila Caffells right arm is evidenced by the alternate stain and void elongated fold patterns in her nightgown. These stains, shown just above her bicep in photograph 29, resulted when blood that had pooled up and between her arm and folds in her nightgown was held in that location by compression.
(10) It is evident that in photograph 29 that the letter or note that is either in or under the bible is not in the position it was in against against the victims arm when it became bloodstained. When blood ran down over Sheila Caffells upper right arm, the bottom of the blood trail, shown to the left in photograph 29, produced a small stain on the edge of the letter or note, just over the letter "t" in "another". The bottom of this blood trail is not aligned with the stain on the note in photograph 29 so there has been a shift of the bible, the arm or both.
(11) The blood on the carpet around the body of Sheila Caffell was on the carpet before the bible was placed on the floor. This is evident in photograph 32.
(12) The rifle found over Sheila Caffells body was placed in the position in which it was found. It has been reported that a rifle, found in another room in the house, had blood of the same group as Sheila Caffell in its sound moderator. The length of this rifle, from the end of the sound moderator to the trigger, is some thirty six inches. This distance is too great for Sheila Caffell to have self-inflicted her two neck wounds. Therefore, Sheila Caffell did not shoot herself. Like the other four victims, Sheila Caffell was murdered.
Since I have concluded that the death of Sheila Caffell was not a suicide this should be sufficient for you to decide whether or not you may want me to submit any additional reports.
Respectfully submitted
Herbert Leon MacDonell.
(5) Blood running from Sheila Caffells nose and mouth travelled across her face horizontally.No blood ran down towards her lower body. Therefore, she could not have been standing or sitting up when she was shot and remianed in such a position or some blood trails would have formed down her face and body. Directionality of the blood trails across her face are shown in photoghraphs 28 and 29.
(6) Sheila Caffells right arm was moved after she was shot. Her right hand could have been holding her neck after she had been shot. Photograph 28 suggests that something or someone had smeared blood around the upper entrance wound in her neck. If her right thumb or fingers pressed against this wound they would have become bloodstained. Unfortunately, none of the scene photographs show her right hand in a perspective that shows blood in this location if it was there. A photograph of her right hand taken at the morgue does not show any blood inside the right hand but it is not known when this photograph was taken; before or after the body was washed?
(7) while her hand was near her neck, or against it, blood ran down from her neck wounds and soaked into the upper right of her nightgown. This blood also stained the inner aspects of her right arm between her wrist and elbow as may be seen in photograph 29.
(8) When her arm was positioned to where it was later found, blood from her fingers, or the fingers of whoever was moving her arm, wiped against her nightgown producing the bloody finger marks that are shown in photograph 29. The large quantity of blood that had pooled between her right arm and upper body was released when her arm was moved. This blood ran down over the lateral aspects of her right arm as shown in photographs 27 and 29.
(9) Further evidence of the movement of Sheila Caffells right arm is evidenced by the alternate stain and void elongated fold patterns in her nightgown. These stains, shown just above her bicep in photograph 29, resulted when blood that had pooled up and between her arm and folds in her nightgown was held in that location by compression.
(10) It is evident that in photograph 29 that the letter or note that is either in or under the bible is not in the position it was in against against the victims arm when it became bloodstained. When blood ran down over Sheila Caffells upper right arm, the bottom of the blood trail, shown to the left in photograph 29, produced a small stain on the edge of the letter or note, just over the letter "t" in "another". The bottom of this blood trail is not aligned with the stain on the note in photograph 29 so there has been a shift of the bible, the arm or both.
(11) The blood on the carpet around the body of Sheila Caffell was on the carpet before the bible was placed on the floor. This is evident in photograph 32.
(12) The rifle found over Sheila Caffells body was placed in the position in which it was found. It has been reported that a rifle, found in another room in the house, had blood of the same group as Sheila Caffell in its sound moderator. The length of this rifle, from the end of the sound moderator to the trigger, is some thirty six inches. This distance is too great for Sheila Caffell to have self-inflicted her two neck wounds. Therefore, Sheila Caffell did not shoot herself. Like the other four victims, Sheila Caffell was murdered.
Since I have concluded that the death of Sheila Caffell was not a suicide this should be sufficient for you to decide whether or not you may want me to submit any additional reports.
Respectfully submitted
Herbert Leon MacDonell.
Strange Justice...
He said: 'The prosecution case regarding the scratch marks was crucial to the conviction of Jeremy Bamber. Here was evidence that he in all probability had not done the deed.' Bamber's solicitor Barry Woods said: 'Now it appears the scratches were not, in fact, made on the night of the murders. The significance of this development cannot be underestimated.'
Bamber himself, who is in Full Sutton Prison, near York, told the Observer: 'This is what I have been waiting 25 years for. It's 100 per cent solid proof. They cannot look at this new evidence and say it doesn't cast doubt on my conviction.'
He said: 'The prosecution case regarding the scratch marks was crucial to the conviction of Jeremy Bamber. Here was evidence that he in all probability had not done the deed.' Bamber's solicitor Barry Woods said: 'Now it appears the scratches were not, in fact, made on the night of the murders. The significance of this development cannot be underestimated.'
Bamber himself, who is in Full Sutton Prison, near York, told the Observer: 'This is what I have been waiting 25 years for. It's 100 per cent solid proof. They cannot look at this new evidence and say it doesn't cast doubt on my conviction.'
Jihadi who helped train 7/7 bomber free after five years
Exclusive: Release prompts claim Islamist was US informant while he was assisting leader of 2005 London attacks
Jeremy Bamber alleged conspiracy characters used to frame him...
Julie Mugford (scorned woman)
Bambers family ( For the money)
The police (for errors they made)
Fraser Bell (neighbour asked why he had not been arrested for the crime)
Dr Harris (Police covered up his presence according to Mike Tesko because they did not want anyone to know Sheila was still alive when they entered the house)...IF Sheila was alive when they entered the house they could not have seen two bodies in the kitchen could they ?
A James Bond 'spook' (Jeremy Bamber convinced 'at the time' this was indeed who had killed his family)
Bambers family ( For the money)
The police (for errors they made)
Fraser Bell (neighbour asked why he had not been arrested for the crime)
Dr Harris (Police covered up his presence according to Mike Tesko because they did not want anyone to know Sheila was still alive when they entered the house)...IF Sheila was alive when they entered the house they could not have seen two bodies in the kitchen could they ?
A James Bond 'spook' (Jeremy Bamber convinced 'at the time' this was indeed who had killed his family)
BAMBER: Forget spin doctor Mike Tesko and look at the man behind the mask...
The police thought they were dealing with four murders and one suicide. They had been aware of Shelia’s mental health problems and when Bamber had made out that his disturbed sister had gone crazy there seemed no reason to question his story. However, the young man’s cavalier behaviour soon began to arouse suspicion.
At the funeral nine days later, Bamber let his vanity betray him by admitting that his only worry was that the cameras should catch his best profile. He put on a tearful performance at the graveside but afterwards he went out for a meal with friends to celebrate, not thinking twice about how this would appear.
It was even noted that on the day of the killings the police had passed Bamber driving to the scene at a casual 30mph, hardly the actions of a distressed son concerned about his family.
Finally, when Bamber told his girlfriend, Julie Mugford, that he had hired a hitman for £2,000 she reported this comment to the police.
Despite this throw-away comment, the evidence against Bamber remained circumstantial.
Although Bamber's fingerprints had been found on the murder weapon, alongside those of Sheila, there was no other forensic evidence to link him to the killings, in large part due to the fact that police had allowed the crime scene to be cleared.
In the meantime Bamber enjoyed a life of luxury, spending his parents’ money and even going on holiday to Amsterdam.
Although his behaviour was now being closely watched, Bamber appeared unaffected and detached from the traumatic events. His sister’s modelling photos were all he wanted as a keepsake, so he could offer them for sale.
Fleet Street turned him down but the likes of 'The Sun' publicly demonstrated its disdain by brandishing front-page headlines with ‘Bambi Brother In Photo Scandal’.
Despite the lack of evidence against him, the investigation unveiled a quandary with regard to the murder weapon.
Without a silencer, the 25 shots that were fired would have made too much noise and would have alerted the victims to the danger. Yet if a silencer was attached to the weapon, it would have been too long for Sheila to have shot herself.
This startling realisation seemed to rule out the theory that Sheila had taken her own life, and therefore the possibility that she had been responsible for the other murders.
Whoever committed the crime would have had to take the silencer off before they left the house after carrying out the killings.
It was David Boutflour, Bamber’s cousin, who found the silencer in a cupboard at the farm, still with traces of Sheila’s blood on it alongside a single grey hair.
However, before forensics could study the hair, it had been lost. What was now certain was that Sheila had not committed suicide but had been murdered. This confirmation meant that Bamber’s call to the police, saying that she was running amok, was a lie.On 29 September 1985, Bamber was arrested and charged with murder.
At the funeral nine days later, Bamber let his vanity betray him by admitting that his only worry was that the cameras should catch his best profile. He put on a tearful performance at the graveside but afterwards he went out for a meal with friends to celebrate, not thinking twice about how this would appear.
It was even noted that on the day of the killings the police had passed Bamber driving to the scene at a casual 30mph, hardly the actions of a distressed son concerned about his family.
Finally, when Bamber told his girlfriend, Julie Mugford, that he had hired a hitman for £2,000 she reported this comment to the police.
Despite this throw-away comment, the evidence against Bamber remained circumstantial.
Although Bamber's fingerprints had been found on the murder weapon, alongside those of Sheila, there was no other forensic evidence to link him to the killings, in large part due to the fact that police had allowed the crime scene to be cleared.
In the meantime Bamber enjoyed a life of luxury, spending his parents’ money and even going on holiday to Amsterdam.
Although his behaviour was now being closely watched, Bamber appeared unaffected and detached from the traumatic events. His sister’s modelling photos were all he wanted as a keepsake, so he could offer them for sale.
Fleet Street turned him down but the likes of 'The Sun' publicly demonstrated its disdain by brandishing front-page headlines with ‘Bambi Brother In Photo Scandal’.
Despite the lack of evidence against him, the investigation unveiled a quandary with regard to the murder weapon.
Without a silencer, the 25 shots that were fired would have made too much noise and would have alerted the victims to the danger. Yet if a silencer was attached to the weapon, it would have been too long for Sheila to have shot herself.
This startling realisation seemed to rule out the theory that Sheila had taken her own life, and therefore the possibility that she had been responsible for the other murders.
Whoever committed the crime would have had to take the silencer off before they left the house after carrying out the killings.
It was David Boutflour, Bamber’s cousin, who found the silencer in a cupboard at the farm, still with traces of Sheila’s blood on it alongside a single grey hair.
However, before forensics could study the hair, it had been lost. What was now certain was that Sheila had not committed suicide but had been murdered. This confirmation meant that Bamber’s call to the police, saying that she was running amok, was a lie.On 29 September 1985, Bamber was arrested and charged with murder.
Bamber in jail
Bamber said in 2001 he had had 17 jail moves and 89 cell moves since he was first arrested.[58] The Times alleges that he has been treated with a degree of indulgence. At Long Lartin, Worcestershire, he was reportedly given the key to his cell, studied for his GCSE in sociology and media studies, had a daily badminton lesson, and drew pictures of supermodels in art class that he sold through an outside agent. He has received compensation twice, once after suffering whiplash injuries when a van moving him between prisons crashed, and once when a Gameboy was stolen from his cell.[2]
An attractive man who was clearly comfortable with women, he says he has had three relationships with women inside, one of them with a trainee policewoman, and that he receives 50 letters a week from women.
He has been involved in some trouble too. He once attacked a prisoner with a broken bottle, and had to be placed in solitary confinement when inmates were angered by his stories to journalists about the comfortable lifestyle he said prisoners have.
[2] In May 2004, he was attacked by another inmate while making telephone call from Full Sutton Prison, near York, and was given 28 stitches for cuts to his neck.[59] As a prisoner alleging a miscarriage of justice, he is allowed access to the media—thanks in part to campaigning by journalist Bob Woffinden in another case—and once called a radio station from Whitemoor jail to protest his innocence.[60]
Comment: A smooth move, many have commented on his insistance he is innocent after all these years, THEREFORE it must be true...BUT Bamber is clever ...claiming a miscarriage of justice allows him access to the media. Bamber is as sly as a fox .....
Brave teenager plans her own funeral after being told rare cancer is terminal
By Daily Mail ReporterLast updated at 5:40 PM on 13th February 2011
A brave teenager is planning her own funeral after being told her rare form of cancer is untreatable.
Donna Shaw, 17, was diagnosed with rare bone cancer Ewing's Sarcoma in February last year.
Despite surgery and chemotherapy, she has been told nothing more can be done, so is now planning her final months and every detail of her own funeral, her mother has said.
Inspirational: Donna Shaw, 17, pictured here with her mother, Nikki Parker, has planned her own funeral
She said: 'She has written everything out. She has asked six people she wants to carry her coffin, all friends and family.
'She has chosen everything, her songs, she has got a video of her she wants playing at the funeral, and the colours of the flowers.'
Terminal: The teenager was diagnosed with rare bone cancer Ewing's Sarcoma in February last year
Together: Donna has been able to talk though her thoughts with mother Nikki and stepfather Mik Parker
Men will wear pink ties - Donna's favourite colour - and after her cremation, she wants her ashes scattered off Brighton Pier.
'It's actually made it easier,' said Mrs Parker, from Alvaston, Derby.
'I know that seems silly, but because she is being as strong as she is, it does help.
'These are a 17-year-old's dying wishes and this is what will happen when the time comes.'
She said after Donna was first diagnosed, she had surgery to remove 80 per cent of the main tumour growing in her shoulder.
Kiss: Donna has said that she wishes to have her funeral wearing her mother's wedding dress
'We got told that because she was so poorly we would hold off on the chemo until after Christmas', Mrs Parker said.
'Her birthday is December 29 so we had Christmas, her birthday then New Year at home.
'On January 6 we had an appointment with our consultant who basically said the chemo has not been working.
'It was awful, by then the tumours had started to spread and grow rapidly, it's all down her left side.
'She had a cry, and swore and shouted and then came to terms with it.'
Wishes: Donna at home in Alvaston, Derby, hopes to attend a Westlife concert in March and then, if she is well enough, see skaters Torvill and Dean in April
'Donna isn't silly, she is quite mature for her age, since all this happened she has grown up quite a lot and she does talk to me and her stepdad,' she said.
'We all came to the decision that these tablets and the rest of the chemo wasn't working.
'When you get told by your consultant that there is no cure but we can keep it at bay, Donna turned round and said, "why prolong it?"
'Donna's friends have been absolutely fantastic. This house is never empty, she has got a huge collection of teddies, everyone brings one every time they come.
Mrs Parker said they still have plans to enjoy the time her daughter has left, including seeing Westlife in concert in March and then, if Donna is well enough in April, seeing skaters Torvill and Dean.
Donna said she made the decision to die with dignity after seeing other friends with cancer die on her ward.
'One of my friends was only five so he couldn't make his own decisions, he passed away on January 9.
'His parents kept prolonging things and he just looked like a skeleton. If I had not seen that I probably would have said yes to carrying on with treatment.
'My motto since I have had cancer has been, "it's all right to cry but it's even better to smile."'
She added: 'Sometimes I'm scared, sometimes I'm petrified, sometimes I think so what.
'When I go to sleep I'm quite scared, I'm not scared of dying, I'm scared to leave my family.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356596/Teenager-terminal-cancer-Donna-Shaw-plans-funeral.html#ixzz1Dv1tFpWW
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Bamber Agenda :Lets frame Sheila for these murders...
All her finger tips were clean and free from any blood, dirt or powder and ... the Scenes of Crime Officer placed plastic bags over Sheila Caffell's hands ...
All her finger tips were clean and free from any blood, dirt or powder and ... the Scenes of Crime Officer placed plastic bags over Sheila Caffell's hands ...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Mar 28 2010 Russell Myers
Cops are hunting scores of killers in the biggest ever bid to crack some of Britain's most notorious unsolved murders, The People can reveal today.
Police have set up elite teams of retired detectives and their finest young officers in a £20million push to snare the fiends wanted for more than 50 brutal killings.
The cold-case review - dubbed Operation Stealth - covers 21 police forces in England and Wales.
More than 600 murders dating back decades have been whittled down to 50 which police chiefs are convinced can lead to dozens of killers finally being nailed.
There were fears cuts in funding might lead to the cases being left unsolved for ever - but now the green light has been given to reopen the investigations making use of groundbreaking new DNA and forensic technology.
Geoff White - ex-head of Staffordshire CID and now a Home Office advisor to Operation Stealth - said: "Just because a murder is more than 30 years old doesn't make it any less important than a crime that's occurred today.
"With the incredible advancements in forensic and DNA testing most of those cases never benefited from, we believe anything is possible.
"We are fully committed to bringing justice to cases that remain unsolved.
"There is a plan to end the operation in two years and so far we are very satisfied with the way the project is progressing."
Mr White added: "Many of the cases have lain dormant for years but now they have a real chance of being solved."
Operation Stealth experts are looking at a series of cases where minute quantities of blood or other bodily fluids and tissues were found at crime scenes - then stored for future checks.
Many of the murder cases involve schoolgirls or vulnerable single women who were living alone - and many were the work of sex-killers.
So far three reopened murder probes have led to charges. They include the case of Paul Hutchinson, 50, who was last year charged with killing 16-year-old Colette Aram in Keyworth, Notts in 1983.
He unexpectedly pleaded guilty to the charge at his trial - giving the Stealth team their first clear success when he was jailed for life in January.
The team also helped overturn the conviction of Sean Hodgson, who spent 27 years in jail after being wrongly convicted of murdering Teresa de Simone in 1979 in Southampton.
The 50 reopened investigations are being funded by the Home Office.
Fears the project could have been shut down last year amid harsh police spending cuts came to nought when the Government provided extra cash to keep alive the hope of solving as many cold-cases as possible.
Is there a case you think needs reopening? Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or The People newsdesk on 020 7293 3204.
Dorothy Leyden, 17, was raped and beaten to death in Manchester in April 1971 as she walked home from a concert by soul singer Jimmy Ruffin.
Locals in the city's Rochdale Road district told detectives they had heard screams at about 1am and later saw a man running away from the area.
Soon afterwards the teenager's battered body was found dumped on a patch of waste ground behind a pub.
Her handbag contained a towel she caught when What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted star Ruffin threw it into the audience at the end of his gig.
A tv recreation of Dorothy's last moments was screened on BBC1's Crimewatch pro-gramme two years ago.
Attractive mum Josephine Backshall, 39, was found savagely murdered on November 1, 1974.
Police believe she was killed when she went to meet a man called Peter who had offered her a £100 modelling job after she put an advert in her local paper seeking part-time work.
Her fully-clothed body was discovered face down in a pond near the village of Little Hadham, Herts, more than 30 miles from the home in Maldon, Essex, she shared with hubby Mike and their three young children.
Josephine's hands had been tied tightly in front of her with a cord before the killer strangled her.
But detectives said at the time that there was no evidence she had been sexually abused.
Melanie Road was just 17 when she was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death on June 9, 1984 as she walked home from a nightclub.
The promising A-level student had spent the evening relaxing and dancing with a group of friends.
But she refused their offer of taking a taxi home.
Instead, she set off to walk the 20-minute journey to her front door.
Melanie was only yards from safety when the killer pounced.
Her body was found soon after dawn next day by a horrified milkman - who was with his 10-year-old son.
The murder was highlighted by BBC1's Crimewatch last year - but no one has ever been charged.
Bunny Girl Eve Stratford was raped and killed at her home in Leyton, east London, in March 1975.
Scotland Yard detectives believe the 22-year-old blonde beauty may have known her killer and invited him into the flat she shared with her pop star lover Tony Priest.
Eve's bloodstained body was found by Tony, lead singer with a group called The Onyx.
A nylon stocking was tied around one of her ankles, her hands were bound behind her back with a scarf and her throat had been slashed up to a dozen times during a frenzied attack. Eve worked as a Bunny Girl at the Playboy Club in London's Park Lane.
The year before her horrific murder she had been pictured there with legendary comedian Eric Morecambe and Carry On films veteran Sid James.
In the 35 years since the killing, detectives have quizzed scores of people - including celebrities she rubbed shoulders with at the Playboy - but no one has been nailed.
Tragic Susan Long, 18, was murdered after a disco in March 1970.
As she got off a bus at Aylsham, Norfolk, her killer dragged her down a lane, raped her and strangled her with the straps of her handbag.
His blood was found at the scene - and although it was a rare group fitting only 4 per cent of the British population, the brute has never been caught.
The last time Caroline Pierce, 20, was seen alive was in November 1987 at her bedsit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Her body was found in a ditch 40 miles away three weeks later.
Cops believe she was killed by the fiend who murdered Wendy Knell - who lived nearby - six months earlier. Both women had been strangled.
Lynne Weedon was 16 when she was bludgeoned to the ground, hurled over a fence into an electricity sub-station, raped and left in a coma. She died in hospital a week after the attack in Hounslow, west London, in September 1975.
Dna traces link her killing to the murder of Playboy girl Eve Stratford earlier that year.
Natalie Pearman, a 16-year-old drug addict and hooker, was found strangled at a beauty spot on November 2, 1992 in Norwich - and all her body hair was shaved off. Her murderer has never been found, although cops later probed a possible link to the five Ipswich vice girls killed in 2006 by Suffolk Strangler Steve Wright.
Bachelor girl Wendy Knell, 26, was found dead in her bedsit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, on June 23, 1987.
She had been sexually assaulted and battered to death.
At the time, police said there was no sign of forced entry and no one had heard anything from the flat. Cops believe she may be a victim of the man who killed Caroline Pierce in the town six months later.
Schoolgirl Kate Bushell, 14, had her throat cut by a maniac as she walked a neighbour's dog in Exwick, Devon, in November 1997.
Her body was found in a field 300 yards from her front door by her horrified father Jeremy, 44.
Locals said they saw a blood-soaked man running from the area minutes before the grisly discovery - but he has never been traced.
Schoolgirl Claire Tiltman was stabbed more than 40 times in an alleyway yards from her home as she took a short-cut to visit friends in January 1993.
No one has ever been charged with the 16-year-old's murder in Greenhithe, Kent.
But cops believe Claire, a pupil at Dartford Grammar School for Girls, could have been the victim of serial killer Robert Napper, who is serving life for a string of murders.
His victims include Rachel Nickell, 23, who was butchered in front of her two-year-old son on London's Wimbledon Common six months before Claire was killed.
Then last month a local paper reporter found a piece of cardboard left at a memorial to Claire at the murder scene. A note written on the card in black ink named her killer, the type of car he drove and the company he worked for.
Cold-case detectives have since traced and questioned the suspect.
Claire's dad Cliff said he had never heard of the accused man. Plumber Cliff, 60, added: "I haven't got my hopes too high as I've been disappointed in the past. But you have to keep hoping."
Housewife Linda Bryant, 41, died from stab wounds to her neck and chest when she was subjected to a "horrific" attack while walking her dog in Truro, Cornwall, in October 1998.
A man was seen talking to mum-of-two Linda just 100 yards from the scene moments earlier and he has never been found.
Cops believe he may also have killed Kate Bushell.
Cops are hunting scores of killers in the biggest ever bid to crack some of Britain's most notorious unsolved murders, The People can reveal today.
Police have set up elite teams of retired detectives and their finest young officers in a £20million push to snare the fiends wanted for more than 50 brutal killings.
The cold-case review - dubbed Operation Stealth - covers 21 police forces in England and Wales.
More than 600 murders dating back decades have been whittled down to 50 which police chiefs are convinced can lead to dozens of killers finally being nailed.
There were fears cuts in funding might lead to the cases being left unsolved for ever - but now the green light has been given to reopen the investigations making use of groundbreaking new DNA and forensic technology.
Geoff White - ex-head of Staffordshire CID and now a Home Office advisor to Operation Stealth - said: "Just because a murder is more than 30 years old doesn't make it any less important than a crime that's occurred today.
"With the incredible advancements in forensic and DNA testing most of those cases never benefited from, we believe anything is possible.
"We are fully committed to bringing justice to cases that remain unsolved.
"There is a plan to end the operation in two years and so far we are very satisfied with the way the project is progressing."
Mr White added: "Many of the cases have lain dormant for years but now they have a real chance of being solved."
Operation Stealth experts are looking at a series of cases where minute quantities of blood or other bodily fluids and tissues were found at crime scenes - then stored for future checks.
Many of the murder cases involve schoolgirls or vulnerable single women who were living alone - and many were the work of sex-killers.
So far three reopened murder probes have led to charges. They include the case of Paul Hutchinson, 50, who was last year charged with killing 16-year-old Colette Aram in Keyworth, Notts in 1983.
He unexpectedly pleaded guilty to the charge at his trial - giving the Stealth team their first clear success when he was jailed for life in January.
The team also helped overturn the conviction of Sean Hodgson, who spent 27 years in jail after being wrongly convicted of murdering Teresa de Simone in 1979 in Southampton.
The 50 reopened investigations are being funded by the Home Office.
Fears the project could have been shut down last year amid harsh police spending cuts came to nought when the Government provided extra cash to keep alive the hope of solving as many cold-cases as possible.
Is there a case you think needs reopening? Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or The People newsdesk on 020 7293 3204.
Dorothy Leyden, 17, was raped and beaten to death in Manchester in April 1971 as she walked home from a concert by soul singer Jimmy Ruffin.
Locals in the city's Rochdale Road district told detectives they had heard screams at about 1am and later saw a man running away from the area.
Soon afterwards the teenager's battered body was found dumped on a patch of waste ground behind a pub.
Her handbag contained a towel she caught when What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted star Ruffin threw it into the audience at the end of his gig.
A tv recreation of Dorothy's last moments was screened on BBC1's Crimewatch pro-gramme two years ago.
Attractive mum Josephine Backshall, 39, was found savagely murdered on November 1, 1974.
Police believe she was killed when she went to meet a man called Peter who had offered her a £100 modelling job after she put an advert in her local paper seeking part-time work.
Her fully-clothed body was discovered face down in a pond near the village of Little Hadham, Herts, more than 30 miles from the home in Maldon, Essex, she shared with hubby Mike and their three young children.
Josephine's hands had been tied tightly in front of her with a cord before the killer strangled her.
But detectives said at the time that there was no evidence she had been sexually abused.
Melanie Road was just 17 when she was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death on June 9, 1984 as she walked home from a nightclub.
The promising A-level student had spent the evening relaxing and dancing with a group of friends.
But she refused their offer of taking a taxi home.
Instead, she set off to walk the 20-minute journey to her front door.
Melanie was only yards from safety when the killer pounced.
Her body was found soon after dawn next day by a horrified milkman - who was with his 10-year-old son.
The murder was highlighted by BBC1's Crimewatch last year - but no one has ever been charged.
Bunny Girl Eve Stratford was raped and killed at her home in Leyton, east London, in March 1975.
Scotland Yard detectives believe the 22-year-old blonde beauty may have known her killer and invited him into the flat she shared with her pop star lover Tony Priest.
Eve's bloodstained body was found by Tony, lead singer with a group called The Onyx.
A nylon stocking was tied around one of her ankles, her hands were bound behind her back with a scarf and her throat had been slashed up to a dozen times during a frenzied attack. Eve worked as a Bunny Girl at the Playboy Club in London's Park Lane.
The year before her horrific murder she had been pictured there with legendary comedian Eric Morecambe and Carry On films veteran Sid James.
In the 35 years since the killing, detectives have quizzed scores of people - including celebrities she rubbed shoulders with at the Playboy - but no one has been nailed.
Tragic Susan Long, 18, was murdered after a disco in March 1970.
As she got off a bus at Aylsham, Norfolk, her killer dragged her down a lane, raped her and strangled her with the straps of her handbag.
His blood was found at the scene - and although it was a rare group fitting only 4 per cent of the British population, the brute has never been caught.
The last time Caroline Pierce, 20, was seen alive was in November 1987 at her bedsit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Her body was found in a ditch 40 miles away three weeks later.
Cops believe she was killed by the fiend who murdered Wendy Knell - who lived nearby - six months earlier. Both women had been strangled.
Lynne Weedon was 16 when she was bludgeoned to the ground, hurled over a fence into an electricity sub-station, raped and left in a coma. She died in hospital a week after the attack in Hounslow, west London, in September 1975.
Dna traces link her killing to the murder of Playboy girl Eve Stratford earlier that year.
Natalie Pearman, a 16-year-old drug addict and hooker, was found strangled at a beauty spot on November 2, 1992 in Norwich - and all her body hair was shaved off. Her murderer has never been found, although cops later probed a possible link to the five Ipswich vice girls killed in 2006 by Suffolk Strangler Steve Wright.
Bachelor girl Wendy Knell, 26, was found dead in her bedsit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, on June 23, 1987.
She had been sexually assaulted and battered to death.
At the time, police said there was no sign of forced entry and no one had heard anything from the flat. Cops believe she may be a victim of the man who killed Caroline Pierce in the town six months later.
Schoolgirl Kate Bushell, 14, had her throat cut by a maniac as she walked a neighbour's dog in Exwick, Devon, in November 1997.
Her body was found in a field 300 yards from her front door by her horrified father Jeremy, 44.
Locals said they saw a blood-soaked man running from the area minutes before the grisly discovery - but he has never been traced.
Schoolgirl Claire Tiltman was stabbed more than 40 times in an alleyway yards from her home as she took a short-cut to visit friends in January 1993.
No one has ever been charged with the 16-year-old's murder in Greenhithe, Kent.
But cops believe Claire, a pupil at Dartford Grammar School for Girls, could have been the victim of serial killer Robert Napper, who is serving life for a string of murders.
His victims include Rachel Nickell, 23, who was butchered in front of her two-year-old son on London's Wimbledon Common six months before Claire was killed.
Then last month a local paper reporter found a piece of cardboard left at a memorial to Claire at the murder scene. A note written on the card in black ink named her killer, the type of car he drove and the company he worked for.
Cold-case detectives have since traced and questioned the suspect.
Claire's dad Cliff said he had never heard of the accused man. Plumber Cliff, 60, added: "I haven't got my hopes too high as I've been disappointed in the past. But you have to keep hoping."
Housewife Linda Bryant, 41, died from stab wounds to her neck and chest when she was subjected to a "horrific" attack while walking her dog in Truro, Cornwall, in October 1998.
A man was seen talking to mum-of-two Linda just 100 yards from the scene moments earlier and he has never been found.
Cops believe he may also have killed Kate Bushell.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Jeremy Bamber James Bond 'SPOOK? killed my family
news index
Press Release
New evidence of a spy-ring style conspiracy could help spring convicted killer Jeremy Bamber from jail
Sightings of a mystery man and claims of foreign involvement are just a few of the unanswered questions surrounding the case.
Bamber, 44, has always denied he carried out the shootings in 1985 to collect a £500,000 inheritance.
But now his legal team have uncovered fresh evidence the police did not produce at the trial in 1986.
According to never seen before police records a call was received about a man who had information about the Bamber murders.
[click images to download/view larger original]
The documents reveal police considered making enquiries in Belgium to find a man called Dirrk Van Hussel. One note reads: "Anonymous call received on general switchboard from a caller female in her 30's. Regarding murder in Kent a man who works in Dent, Belgium and owns a record shop. He knows about the murder. His name is Dirrk Van Hussel."
DCI Barnham believes the caller was referring to the Bamber murders. Suggest enquiries in Belgium. The mystery figure, who was said to have evidence about the Bamber killings was never contacted.
Bamber's legal team have also discovered proof of a mystery silhouetted figure at the Bamber's farmhouse in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex.
His lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano said: "At 4am on the day of the killings PC Myall and PS Bews reported a sighting at the bedroom window of the farmhouse of a silhouetted figure. This could not have been Bamber because he was in custody from 3am on the day of the murders.
[This image has two clickable areas, the Sengupta box links to a list of attendees at the police press conference, the rest of the image links to the Daily Express page (700Kb)]
And a report by a Daily Express journalist Sengupta obtained from a police briefing told of a hunched up scruffy-looking man seen walking away from the rear of the house an hour after the police arrived.
Lastly an intruder alarm at the farmhouse was triggered inside the house at 5am hours after the killings are supposed to have happened.
The police were unable to ascertain how anyone could get in or out of the house as all the doors and windows were locked."
In September Bamber claimed a James Bond-style 'spook' murdered five members of his family after security sources contacted his legal team with fresh 'evidence'. They said Bamber's adoptive father, former British Intelligence Officer Neville Bamber, and four colleagues were all murdered in amazingly similar circumstances.
Each served with Neville in Egypt and Palestine after World War Two and each case is still unsolved.
Bamber's team are currently preparing an appeal arguing the five cases are linked in a 'campaign of murder against former British intelligence officers'. And the fresh evidence involving the sightings of a mystery man at the Bamber farmhouse and the involvement of the shadowy Van Hussel figure add weight to Bamber's claims of a conspiracy.
Bamber was convicted in 1986 of murdering Neville and his adoptive mother June, both 61, his sister Sheila Caffell, 27, and her twin six-year-old sons Nicholas and Daniel at the family's farmhouse in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex.
He was jailed for life.
He has already lost two appeals, in 1987 and 2002, but his legal team are confident it will be third time lucky.
Di Stefano added: "The Criminal Cases Review Commission is now being pressured from all sides to come to a decision. We have more than enough evidence to bring this case back to court. This man has served 7,384 days of wrongful imprisonment today (16.12.2005). They should not procrastinate any longer."
http://www.studiolegaleinternazionale.com/. Tel: +39 340 153 7770.
news index
Press Release
New evidence of a spy-ring style conspiracy could help spring convicted killer Jeremy Bamber from jail
Sightings of a mystery man and claims of foreign involvement are just a few of the unanswered questions surrounding the case.
Bamber, 44, has always denied he carried out the shootings in 1985 to collect a £500,000 inheritance.
But now his legal team have uncovered fresh evidence the police did not produce at the trial in 1986.
According to never seen before police records a call was received about a man who had information about the Bamber murders.
[click images to download/view larger original]
The documents reveal police considered making enquiries in Belgium to find a man called Dirrk Van Hussel. One note reads: "Anonymous call received on general switchboard from a caller female in her 30's. Regarding murder in Kent a man who works in Dent, Belgium and owns a record shop. He knows about the murder. His name is Dirrk Van Hussel."
DCI Barnham believes the caller was referring to the Bamber murders. Suggest enquiries in Belgium. The mystery figure, who was said to have evidence about the Bamber killings was never contacted.
Bamber's legal team have also discovered proof of a mystery silhouetted figure at the Bamber's farmhouse in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex.
His lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano said: "At 4am on the day of the killings PC Myall and PS Bews reported a sighting at the bedroom window of the farmhouse of a silhouetted figure. This could not have been Bamber because he was in custody from 3am on the day of the murders.
[This image has two clickable areas, the Sengupta box links to a list of attendees at the police press conference, the rest of the image links to the Daily Express page (700Kb)]
And a report by a Daily Express journalist Sengupta obtained from a police briefing told of a hunched up scruffy-looking man seen walking away from the rear of the house an hour after the police arrived.
Lastly an intruder alarm at the farmhouse was triggered inside the house at 5am hours after the killings are supposed to have happened.
The police were unable to ascertain how anyone could get in or out of the house as all the doors and windows were locked."
In September Bamber claimed a James Bond-style 'spook' murdered five members of his family after security sources contacted his legal team with fresh 'evidence'. They said Bamber's adoptive father, former British Intelligence Officer Neville Bamber, and four colleagues were all murdered in amazingly similar circumstances.
Each served with Neville in Egypt and Palestine after World War Two and each case is still unsolved.
Bamber's team are currently preparing an appeal arguing the five cases are linked in a 'campaign of murder against former British intelligence officers'. And the fresh evidence involving the sightings of a mystery man at the Bamber farmhouse and the involvement of the shadowy Van Hussel figure add weight to Bamber's claims of a conspiracy.
Bamber was convicted in 1986 of murdering Neville and his adoptive mother June, both 61, his sister Sheila Caffell, 27, and her twin six-year-old sons Nicholas and Daniel at the family's farmhouse in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex.
He was jailed for life.
He has already lost two appeals, in 1987 and 2002, but his legal team are confident it will be third time lucky.
Di Stefano added: "The Criminal Cases Review Commission is now being pressured from all sides to come to a decision. We have more than enough evidence to bring this case back to court. This man has served 7,384 days of wrongful imprisonment today (16.12.2005). They should not procrastinate any longer."
http://www.studiolegaleinternazionale.com/. Tel: +39 340 153 7770.
news index
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The FRAMING of Sheila Caffell
Mike Tesko now has a Dr.Harris involved in the conspiracy...
GEMINI...tells us it must have been Sheila and names four other mothers who killed their children to prove it..
Mike Tesko knows more than forensic it would seem and claims there were what appear to be loose flesh underneath Sheilas fingernails..this proves says Mike there was a struggle. Forensic have NEVER claimed Sheila had flesh under her fingernails FORENSIC tells you it is flesh or it is not...I thought Clarence Mitchell was a yarn spinner but TESKO makes him look like an amateur. The problem when you hire a spin doctor they end up making you look guilty and this is what has happened, I was willing to give Bamber the benefit of the doubt but thanks to Mike and his many scenarios it has become obvious they are looking for a story that fits....
You cannot find a newspaper article of how violent Bamber had been in prison, when he broke a bottle to attack an inmate and how he goaded other inmates by reporting to the media they had a 'soft life'...There is to be NO evidence that Bamber has a violent steak...Team Bamber...are happy though for plenty of media coverage that BAMBER had his throat slashed...
Mike Tesko now has a Dr.Harris involved in the conspiracy...
GEMINI...tells us it must have been Sheila and names four other mothers who killed their children to prove it..
Mike Tesko knows more than forensic it would seem and claims there were what appear to be loose flesh underneath Sheilas fingernails..this proves says Mike there was a struggle. Forensic have NEVER claimed Sheila had flesh under her fingernails FORENSIC tells you it is flesh or it is not...I thought Clarence Mitchell was a yarn spinner but TESKO makes him look like an amateur. The problem when you hire a spin doctor they end up making you look guilty and this is what has happened, I was willing to give Bamber the benefit of the doubt but thanks to Mike and his many scenarios it has become obvious they are looking for a story that fits....
You cannot find a newspaper article of how violent Bamber had been in prison, when he broke a bottle to attack an inmate and how he goaded other inmates by reporting to the media they had a 'soft life'...There is to be NO evidence that Bamber has a violent steak...Team Bamber...are happy though for plenty of media coverage that BAMBER had his throat slashed...
SHEILA CAFELL: Conflicting reports from Bambers supporters the children were found...in the bedroom...the children were found in the corridor...which is it SCOTT LOMAX ?
Bamber team claims twins were found in the corridor in the year 2002
Lomax is saying 'Don't look over there , LOOK over hear and refuse to question why residue from the murder weapon was NOT found on Sheilas hands or nightdress...
By Scott Lomax
In October 1986 Jeremy Bamber was convicted by a majority of ten to two of the murders of five members of his family. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, with the recommendation that he should serve a minimum of twenty-five years behind bars. Subsequently he was told that his life sentence should mean exactly that. Jeremy has maintained his innocence throughout and has launched a new bid to clear his name, on the basis of compelling new evidence.The Crime
In the early hours of 7 August 1985 the police were called to White House Farm in Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex, having been told by Jeremy Bamber that his adopted father, Ralph, had telephoned him to say that Bamber's sister (a paranoid schizophrenic named Sheila Caffell) had "gone crazy" and had got a gun.
At 07:30, after having been at the farm for a number of hours, members of the Tactical Firearms Unit stormed the building and found five dead bodies. Ralph had been shot eight times and was found in the kitchen.
Sheila Caffell's twin sons were found in their room with one having been shot three times in the head and the other five times in the head.
Ralph's wife, June, was found in the main bedroom where she had been shot seven times. Beside June's bed lay Sheila Caffell, who had been shot twice in the throat and who held an Anschutz rifle in her hands. It appeared she had committed suicide, with the post mortem examination showing that she could have survived for a few minutes after sustaining the first wound but would have died immediately upon sustaining the second. Sheila was known to have considered ending her life, expressed an intention to kill her sons and felt the need to cleanse her mother's ‘evil' mind. It was therefore not surprising that the police believed she killed her family before ending her own life. However, in September 1985 Jeremy was arrested twice and charged with five murders.
Sheila Caffell
It was not surprising that the police originally believed Sheila was responsible for all the deaths. She was a paranoid schizophrenic who had stopped taking her medication. She had told her psychiatrist that she wanted to kill her children, who she called “the Devil’s children.” She had on occasions expressed her intention to kill her mother and had often expressed suicidal thoughts.
It was said at trial that Sheila could not have committed the murders because she was inexperienced with guns. What the jury never heard was that she had gone on shooting holidays with a cousin. It is true that twenty five or twenty six rounds had been fired and that all or all but one had hit their target but most shots had been fired from a few inches away and so, from such a short range, how could she be expected to miss?
Julie Mugford
Julie Mugford was Jeremy’s girlfriend at the time of the deaths. Once he ended their relationship she went to the police with information that led to his initial arrest. The evidence was not thought to be credible and he was released without charge. Yet at trial she provided testimony that formed a part of the prosecution’s case.
She told the court that Jeremy had plotted to kill his family for many months before their deaths. On the eve of the shootings Jeremy told Mugford, "Tonight's the night", she claimed. He later phoned to tell her that everything was going well. It was shown Mugford had become incredibly hurt and upset with the breakdown of the relationship. At one point in time she had tried to smother Jeremy with a pillow, by her own admission, stating "If I can't have you, nobody can."
Mugford named a man who she alleged was hired by Jeremy to carry out the crime. That man was found to have an alibi and he was quickly eliminated from the investigation. There was no evidence to support Mugford’s ‘hit man’ story. When Mugford was shown to be wrong, the police eventually came to the conclusion that the ‘hit man’ story was simply a veiled confession by Jeremy who, they argued, commited the murders himself.
Mugford’s evidence was exceptionally controversial and. It was ultimately circumstantial forensic evidence, found by relatives of Jeremy after a police forensic examination failed to find any evidence against him, that formed the main planks in the prosecution’s case at trial.
The Blood in the Sound Moderator
Days after the shootings one of Jeremy's cousins found a sound moderator (silencer) in a downstairs gun cupboard. Upon close examination later that evening it was noticed that a small amount of blood was present inside the tube and a grey hair was also allegedly adhered to the end. By the time the sound moderator reached a laboratory for testing, the grey hair had disappeared. Prior to it being forensically examined, one of Jeremy’s cousins took the sound moderator apart and removed part of the blood with a razor blade. What affect could such an action have had on the integrity of this exhibit?
Tests on the blood suggested that it might have originated from Sheila Caffell although the prosecution were never able to prove this. The prosecution’s expert admitted that there was a "remote possibility" that the blood could have been a mixture from Ralph and June Bamber. If the blood was Sheila's then this meant she could not have committed suicide, because if she did kill herself how did the sound moderator find its way downstairs? It was this evidence that allegedly provided the proof that Sheila Caffell could not have committed the murders and therefore somebody else must have been responsible. That somebody else, the court was told, had to be Jeremy Bamber because of his account of the telephone conversation with his father.
At trial it was suggested that the blood was Sheila's because of the presence of an AK1 enzyme in the flake of blood. Of those who lost their lives as a result of the White House Farm tragedy, only Sheila had the AK1 enzyme in her blood. You might think this is proof that the blood in the sound moderator came from Sheila and therefore she could not have committed suicide, but you would be wrong.
DNA tests show that the blood was 3500 times more likely to have been a mixture of a male's blood with June Bamber's blood, than Sheila Caffell's. And the AK1 enzyme can be innocently explained by the presence of two types of animal blood on the end of the sound moderator, though this information was never disclosed to the defence until recently. At trial the police’s expert denied finding animal blood but handwritten notes prove otherwise.
The AK1 enzyme is present in many animals. If animal blood managed to find its way on to the end of the sound moderator, could it not have also managed to find its way into the sound moderator?
Furthermore, documents recently obtained by Jeremy’s defence team show that the sound moderator was dismantled and reassembled incorrectly before it was tested. This new evidence shows that the key forensic evidence at trial was treated in a very cavalier way. By changing the arrangement of baffle plates within the sound moderator, the accuracy of interpretations about the blood within the moderator and its position in the sound moderator, is significantly affected.
The Windows Issue
All of the doors to the farmhouse were locked from the inside when the police stormed the building and examined it. According to Jeremy Bamber's relatives who undertook their own investigation, it was possible to gain access to the farmhouse through one of the windows and indeed it is claimed that one of the windows was found to be insecure. Earlier police reports innocently explain this.
On 7 November 1985 Detective Superintendent Ainsley wrote, "As stated, there was no apparent entry to or exit from the house D/Chief Inspector did in fact examine the inside of all the ground floor windows and noted that they were all shut and secure on their latches. ... It seems, however, that after the inspection by DCI Jones some person partially opened the transom window in the kitchen and also opened the catch on the ground floor bathroom window. I have been unable to discover the person responsible ... "
It was alleged Jeremy entered the farmhouse via the window for the downstairs toilet and that he climbed out of a window in the kitchen after having killed his family. It was argued at trial that both of these windows had been found insecure, but numerous documents unavailable at the trial show that when the police entered the building all of the windows were closed and locked. If they were locked, and all of the doors were locked, then how did Jeremy get into the house to carry out the murders? It would appear that the killer never left the building alive.
An Alibi
If Jeremy was the murderer he must have committed his crimes between midnight and 03:00 on the morning of 7 August 1985. This is a fact as agreed at trial.
From 03:15 onwards Jeremy was speaking to the police on his phone at his cottage in Goldhanger (three and a half miles from White House Farm), driving to White House Farm and then he was in the company of police officers until long after the bodies were discovered. The many bullets fired at each of his alleged victims would have meant that they died within moments of being shot. How, therefore, could the police have seen someone moving within the farmhouse at 03:45 and later, at 05:25, could they have been conversing with someone inside the building? Whilst he was outside White House Farm with two police officers a figure was seen moving in the main bedroom. At trial the figure was dismissed as a shadow or trick of light, but now documentary evidence shows the officer who made the sighting recorded seeing ‘an unidentified male.' A log of radio communications shows that at 05:25 the tactical firearms officers were ‘in conversation' with a person inside White House Farm. How could this be if everyone inside was dead? And five minutes later extra firearms officers were called for an "urgent" situation. Why was it so urgent, and why was backup requested if everyone inside was dead? What was so urgent at 5:30 that was not urgent an hour or more earlier?
It is known, from studying photographs never shown to the jury, that Sheila Caffell was still bleeding after 09:25 when photographs of the scene of the crime were taken. Indeed it was noted that blood was running down from her mouth. How could this be if she had been shot at least six hours earlier? People stop bleeding shortly after death. Their blood would not stay red and running as can clearly be seen in photographs given to Jeremy’s legal team two decades after his conviction.
Remember, if Sheila was alive after 03:00 then Jeremy Bamber must be innocent. If Sheila was still alive then Jeremy could not have been responsible for her death or the deaths of anyone else inside the building.
On the basis of highly significant new evidence Jeremy Bamber's case is being reviewed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission. A conviction can only be justified if there is the belief of guilt, beyond reasonable doubt, upon considering the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The jury at Jeremy’s trial were deprived of important evidence, so much so that they only knew part of the story. The new evidence builds a more complete picture and surely warrants an appeal. It has never been scrutinised in court and this is a situation that needs to be changed.
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