Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
#LianneSmith : Seeks Aquittal For Murdering Her Two Children..
A British mother who has admitted killing her two small children at a Spanish hotel will seek an acquittal on mental health grounds, it emerged today.
Lianne Smith, 44, has confessed to suffocating daughter Rebecca, five, and 11-month old son Daniel with a plastic bag at a Costa Brava resort last year.
Prosecutors will call for her to be jailed for 38 years for two counts of premeditated murder when the case goes to trial, court documents revealed today.
But defence lawyers will try to convince a jury Smith was not criminally responsible for her actions because she was suffering from mental illness and extreme stress.
A court source said: 'The key to the trial will be whether the jury believes Smith was suffering from a mental illness which prevents her from being criminally responsible for her actions.
'Her lawyers have informed the court they will seek an acquittal on the grounds Smith was not of sound mind and therefore cannot be found guilty of any offence.'
If the defence is successful Smith could be sent to a secure psychiatric unit but would be released when a judge and doctors agree she is cured.
No minimum tariff would be set, meaning she could be freed at any time, and she would have no criminal record
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2051315/Lianne-Smith-seek-aquittal-murdering-2-children-mental-health-grounds.html#ixzz1bKI3NIhE
Lianne Smith, 44, has confessed to suffocating daughter Rebecca, five, and 11-month old son Daniel with a plastic bag at a Costa Brava resort last year.
Prosecutors will call for her to be jailed for 38 years for two counts of premeditated murder when the case goes to trial, court documents revealed today.
Lianne Smith with her son Daniel in a photo taken the weekend before the 11-month-old boy died in a Spanish hotel
Lianne is accused of murdering Rebecca, five, and Daniel in May last year days after her partner was extradited to England
A court source said: 'The key to the trial will be whether the jury believes Smith was suffering from a mental illness which prevents her from being criminally responsible for her actions.
'Her lawyers have informed the court they will seek an acquittal on the grounds Smith was not of sound mind and therefore cannot be found guilty of any offence.'
If the defence is successful Smith could be sent to a secure psychiatric unit but would be released when a judge and doctors agree she is cured.
No minimum tariff would be set, meaning she could be freed at any time, and she would have no criminal record
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2051315/Lianne-Smith-seek-aquittal-murdering-2-children-mental-health-grounds.html#ixzz1bKI3NIhE
#Hillsborough : Legacy Of Lies
Had responsibility for the football tragedy been accepted early on, there would be no need for a parliamentary debate
A Liverpool fan pays his respects at the Hillsborough memorial at Anfield. Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
The families of the 96, mostly young, people who died on the terraces of Hillsborough have waited 22 years, not only for the authorities culpable to acknowledge their responsibility. It has also taken this long for the families' cause to be understood by the public, who were largely taken in by false stories of drunken and ticketless fans, on to whom the South Yorkshire police sought to deflect blame from their own negligence.
Steve Rotheram, Labour MP for Liverpool Walton, captured public empathy with the bereaved families by the simple act of reading the victims' names out in parliament: with 96 dead, it takes a heartbreakingly long time.
Even the Conservative prime minister recognises there will be a reckoning, expected in May or June when the panel reports, which will not reflect well on the South Yorkshire police of the time or, possibly, on Margaret Thatcher's government. The public has slowly sloughed off the false stories of supporter misbehaviour, spread by the police following the disaster and notoriously carried by the Sun under its infamous headline four days later, "The truth". The families are finally recognised not as ruffian scousers but exemplary mothers, fathers and relatives who have fought loyally for justice and the good names of their loved ones.
There are many thousands of official documents and many levels to the disaster, but key facts are known already. The FA Cup semi-final on 15 April 1989 between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool was held at the Hillsborough football ground, whose safety certificate was out of date – something the Football Association did not bother to check before hosting the match there. The 24,000 Liverpool fans had to be funnelled through just 23 turnstiles in the north and west sides of the ground, including the nasty Leppings Lane terrace.
The police did not manage to get supporters through before kick-off and a crush developed outside. Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield, commanding his first football match, ordered an exit gate to be opened, so that hundreds of fans could enter together. That would have been sensible, except the supporters were not directed away from the Leppings Lane central "pens", which were full by then while the sides still had room.
That was the "blunder" identified by Lord Justice Taylor, in his official report, as the "immediate cause of the disaster". Sheffield Wednesday had serious deficiencies in the safety of its ground, and Sheffield city council failed in its certifying responsibilities. Those three bodies paid damages to the families and victims who sued for negligence.
Had responsibility been accepted at the inquest that followed, there would be no campaign for justice, disclosure process and debates – like today's in parliament – 22 years later. However, lies were told from the beginning. Duckenfield told the FA's chief executive, Graham Kelly, on the scene, that fans had forced the exit gate, when in fact Duckenfield had ordered it to be opened.
Then the police relentlessly pushed the case, to the media, to Taylor and the inquest, that the fans had been drunk and so had caused the disaster – exactly how, they never quite specified. Taylor explicitly criticised that police case, saying it was "a matter of regret" that "such an unrealistic approach" had been taken – and he did not know what emerged later, that senior South Yorkshire police officers systematically had junior officers' statements changed, to present that case to Taylor.
The families have always felt the police were supported by Thatcher and her government after the briefings given the following day. That is why so much attention is focused on cabinet papers as the disclosure process continues.
When they are finally published in the panel's report, those papers may disappoint. But what's already certain is that a terrible 22 years on for the bereaved families, the injured and survivors, opinion about Hillsborough has finally turned – every day fewer believe the police lies. The real truth about what happened is coming to be accepted.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
#DaleFarm :Faeces were thrown at police officers
SirIanBlair IanBlair
Faeces were thrown at police officers at #dalefarm #noconfidenceintherasamay police -paid too much? I don't think so. Could you police?
#DaleFarm #Tasered By Police..Via Twitter
creepcops Fiat Justitia
Dale Farm, Essex, UK. RT @Old_Holborn Not quite sure why a woman with a notepad needs to be tasered by Police http://bit.ly/nPQTD9 #Dalefarm
#DaleFarm being carried out with physical brutality..via twitter
NemesisRepublic Nemesis Republic
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
#DaleFarm : Trouble Brewing !
'Supporter' at #DaleFarm with a balaclava and black jumpsuit told me he'll: "smash my camera up", if I shoot any footage of him.
#DaleFarm : HELP !!!!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
#DaleFarm: Travellers seek last-gasp reprieve from eviction
The Dale Farm entrance: residents of the Travellers' site, near Basildon, Essex, could be evicted on Monday. Photograph: Chris Radburn/PA
Dale Farm residents are seeking a last-gasp reprieve from eviction by asking for leave to appeal against a decision last week to allow Basildon council to remove 86 families from the Essex Traveller site.
Last week Mr Justice Ouseley ruled at the high court that Basildon council could go ahead with the eviction, which he decided was not "disproportionate", and blocked any appeal.
Applications for three judicial reviews, which sought to argue the eviction was in breach of their human rights and was unreasonable, were turned down.
Lord Justice Sullivan is due to start hearing the Travellers' arguments at 11am on Monday, but if he refuses them permission to appeal, bailiffs could move on to the site that afternoon. Basildon council said last week that it would not attempt to enter the site to clear 49 of 54 plots before Monday....read more
Saturday, October 15, 2011
#DaleFarm : The court of Appeal grants Dale Farm a hearing on Monday for permission to appeal
Monday, 17 October, 2011
At 12 o'clock
C1/2011/2637 The Queen on the application of Sheridan -v- Basildon Borough Council. Application of Claimant for permission to appeal the decision to refuse permission to claim for Judicial Review and a stay of execution.
Omaima Nelson : DENIED Parole
A California woman who killed, cooked and then ate her husband won't be getting out of prison -- the parole board denied her request for early release.
Omaima Nelson was convicted of killing her husband of just three weeks back in 1991 with a pair of scissors, then dismembered him, cooked him in barbecue sauce and ate the feast.
At the parole hearing Wednesday, Nelson, now 43 years old, denied the last part.
"I swear to God I did not eat any part of him. I am not a monster," she said, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
When asked "What was your purpose in cooking him?" Nelson did not answer. She did, however, apologize for dismembering her husband, who at 56 was more than 30 years her senior.
Nelson claimed she was acting in self defense, that her husband was trying to strangle her, so she hit him with a lamp and then stabbed him to death.
"If I didn't defend my life, I would have been dead. I'm sorry it happened, but I'm glad I lived," she said.
Nelson claimed she is a changed woman from the one 20 years ago who "refused to let go of any pain anyone had ever caused her."
She said she "looked for love in all the wrong places... but now I value my integrity and my journey... I have a strong desire to help others."
She said if she were released, she would go back to her native Egypt to live with her mother.
But the board refused to release her, saying she is still a risk to society. She will continue serving her 27-years-to-life sentence.
Orange County Senior Deputy District Attorney Randy Pawloski, an original prosecutor in the case, took the unusual step of attending the hearing, during which he uttered the understatement of the year.
"The honeymoon ended as dramatically as any in American history," Pawloski said.
Omaima Nelson was convicted of killing her husband of just three weeks back in 1991 with a pair of scissors, then dismembered him, cooked him in barbecue sauce and ate the feast.
At the parole hearing Wednesday, Nelson, now 43 years old, denied the last part.
"I swear to God I did not eat any part of him. I am not a monster," she said, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
When asked "What was your purpose in cooking him?" Nelson did not answer. She did, however, apologize for dismembering her husband, who at 56 was more than 30 years her senior.
Nelson claimed she was acting in self defense, that her husband was trying to strangle her, so she hit him with a lamp and then stabbed him to death.
"If I didn't defend my life, I would have been dead. I'm sorry it happened, but I'm glad I lived," she said.
Nelson claimed she is a changed woman from the one 20 years ago who "refused to let go of any pain anyone had ever caused her."
She said she "looked for love in all the wrong places... but now I value my integrity and my journey... I have a strong desire to help others."
She said if she were released, she would go back to her native Egypt to live with her mother.
But the board refused to release her, saying she is still a risk to society. She will continue serving her 27-years-to-life sentence.
Orange County Senior Deputy District Attorney Randy Pawloski, an original prosecutor in the case, took the unusual step of attending the hearing, during which he uttered the understatement of the year.
"The honeymoon ended as dramatically as any in American history," Pawloski said.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Omaima Nelson : Parole board decides whether an ex-model who dismembered her husband then cooked and ate his body parts should be freed after nearly two decades behind bars.
Gruesome details are expected to be recounted this week when a state parole board decides whether an ex-model who dismembered her husband then cooked and ate his body parts should be freed after nearly two decades behind bars.
At the time of the sensational Orange County case, detectives compared Omaima Nelson to the fictional cannibal killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter. She is seeking early release from California Central Women’s Prison, where she is serving 27 years to life for the second-degree murder of William E. Nelson.
Orange County Senior Deputy Dist. Atty. Randolph J. Pawloski is fighting her release, saying he will never forget the horror of visiting the couple's home.
The memory of those details is why the veteran prosecutor who sent her to prison will take the rare step of personally appearing at a parole hearing in Chowchilla on Wednesday to oppose her request for early release.
“It is certainly one of the most gruesome and notorious crimes ever committed in Orange County and sometime people need reminding of that,” he said. “It is probably the most egregious mutilation murder we’ve had here.”
The way she defiled and mutilated her husband, he will tell the parole board, demonstrates an exceptionally callous disregard for human life, he said.“Make no mistake -- she will tell you anything you wish to hear to get what she wants,” he said.
Jurors deliberated for six days before rejecting Nelson's defense that she was a battered woman who killed in self-defense after being repeatedly abused and raped the night before the killing. Because of a lack of premeditation they deemed it a second-degree murder.
In court, a psychiatrist testified that Nelson put on red shoes, a red hat and red lipstick before spending hours chopping up her husband's body. " 'I did his ribs just like in a restaurant,' " the psychiatrist quoted Nelson as saying. She revealed she sat at the kitchen table with her husband’s cooked remains and said out loud: " 'It's so sweet, it's so delicious .... I like mine tender,' " the doctor recalled.
-- Richard Winton
Photo: Omaima Nelson. Credit: KTLA News
#dalefarm : Mouthpiece Kathleen McCarthy '"This will leave Dale Farm as a patchwork of concrete and fences, not the greenbelt the council are claiming it will be. Where are we supposed to go?
Dale Farm caravans can be removed, rules judge
High court judge rules 49 out of 54 caravans can go, along with most concrete pitches, but eviction must await judicial reviews
A van behind a barricade at Dale Farm Traveller camp. A judge ruled today that most caravans can be evicted and their concrete pitches ripped up Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
Most of the caravans at the Dale Farm Traveller site can be removed, a judge has ruled. Basildon council took a further step towards evicting 86 families from the unauthorised site in Essex after a judge ruled it could remove caravans from 49 out of 54 plots.
The eviction cannot begin for several days, as Travellers wait to hear about three separate judicial reviews about the legality of the eviction. A separate high court judge is expected to rule if the judicial reviews can be heard by noon on Tuesday. An injunction preventing any removal from the site is expected to remain in force until at least after that decision.
The eviction at Dale Farm, which is now expected to cost Basildon council £22m, was halted at the 11th hour on Monday 19 September. The council had hoped to evict around 400 people, but an emergency injunction was put in place because of fears that the eviction would go further than eviction notices allowed.
At the high court, Mr Justice Edwards-Stuart ordered Basildon council to pay one-third of the legal costs to Dale Farm residents.
Some caravans can remain on site, along with fences, walls, some buildings and some concrete because they were in place before Traveller families bought the land at Dale Farm, or because they were not specified in the council's eviction notices.
Dale Farm resident Kathleen McCarthy said: "This will leave Dale Farm as a patchwork of concrete and fences, not the greenbelt the council are claiming it will be. Where are we supposed to go? They are separating families and ruining so many lives here, and for what? To turn Dale Farm into a scrapyard again. It's ridiculous."
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