Boyfriend's tearful plea for missing architect Jo Yeates
by Krissy Storrar, Daily Mirror 23/12/2010

Landscape architect Jo, 25, vanished six days ago after walking home from a Christmas drink with workmates.
Her live-in lover Greg Reardon, 27, a fellow architect, told how he only realised Jo was missing when he returned to their one-bedroom Bristol flat on Sunday night.
Fighting back tears at Jo’s parents’ house, he said: “She was my future. We had celebrated our two-year anniversary on December 11 and recently moved in together – things were falling into place.
“We’ve had a cat called Bernard for about a year who means the world to us.
“This Christmas was going to be our first together. We were going to stay with her family for about a week then head up to Scotland for New Year’s Eve.
“A big moment in our relationship came early on when we went to the Isle of Wight music festival. It went so well that we knew it was going to be something special.
“This summer we had an amazing holiday touring Cornwall in a campervan. We visited the Eden Project and spent most days surfing. Everything was really positive. She was really looking forward to Christmas.
“We had put up a tree and she was due to bake some mince pies.
Greg added: “On Sunday night I came home at about 8pm after staying with my family in Sheffield, but Jo wasn’t home.
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“I waited until about midnight and then when she didn’t return I started to worry.
“I went through her bag which was on the table and found it had all the stuff she would need to take with her, things like her purse and her keys.
“I called the police to report her missing… since then I haven’t slept much.”
Jo’s mum Theresa, 58, a Waitrose cashier from Southampton, said: “The last time I saw Jo was a couple of weeks ago when I went up to Bristol to watch the filming of Deal Or No Deal.
“She seemed happy. We are very close, if she ever had a problem, she would tell me.
“We were looking forward to having her and Greg for Christmas and their presents are still sitting under the tree. We just want her home.”
Best friend Rebecca Scott, 25, was the last person to speak to Jo. She said yesterday: “She rang me at 8.30pm on Friday as she walked back from the pub. We spoke for about 15 minutes – she was totally normal.
“Then I had a message from the police on Sunday saying Jo was missing. She’s just not the sort of person to go missing.
“Everybody is worried sick about her and anybody that knows anything should come forward.”
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