Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ben Needham: Ben's mum asks for help from the PM and is ignored.

There is something very wrong here, Ben's mum Kerry has sent a heart breaking letter to David Cameron , also sent out a press release and what has happened ? nothing ! It is though there is a super-injunction against Kerry and her story, one may laugh but after the Ryan Giggs farce and the ludicrous allegations that he now intends to sue Twitter and those who tweeted his love life , anything is possible. Maybe if Giggs had kept it zipped up in his pants he would not be in this mess.

Why are the McCanns receiving so much attention, they fled the country the moment they became under suspicion, hired the most expensive extradition lawyer obviously having no intention to return and answer questions ? refused to answer questions, refused to return for a reconstruction, deny the most powerful cadaver dogs that worked in England and to top it all have gagged a police witness statement that alleges paedophilia among their group of holidaying doctors.

I think that just about covers it. If I did not think so before it is as plain as the nose on your face that the British Goverment are covering up the McCann stench.,  But why should Kerry have to suffer, why is she being ignored ?