Thursday, February 16, 2012

#Wikleaks Release :Supressed Document By Carter Ruck Allowing FRAUD To Continue. Carter Ruck Fees Paid From The McCann FUND - To Suggest The Money Is Used To Search For A Child Is A Lie !,_2009

Suppressed Madeleine Foundation leaflet, 2009

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Release dateOctober 14, 2009


British libel lawyers Carter-Ruck have issued a threat to Madeleine Foundation co-founder Tony Bennett to have this leaflet and all electronic copies to be destroyed. The file has never been released and was used to create the leaflet "What really happened to Madeleine McCann? 10 key reasons which suggest that she was not abducted".

Thousands of copies of this leaflet have been hand delivered to many homes in the United Kingdom. Due to the prospective financial implications of facing a libel case against arguably Britain's top libel firm, Mr. Bennett has been forced to capitulate even though his supporters say he stands by each and every allegation in the leaflet.

The methods used by Carter-Ruck while acting for Kate and Gerry McCann have been to silence anyone who challenges the abduction story they told the police and which forms their alibi in the Madeleine McCann disappearance in Portugal in May 2007.

This file is easily verifiable against the many copies of the leaflet in circulation. The Sunday Express wrote an article on the leaflet in the middle of August 2009 and the BBC interviewed Debbie Butler of the Madeleine Foundation after she had delivered this leaflet to homes in Rothley, Leicestershire, UK.

If this file is suppressed and the leaflet is destroyed, the public will not be able to read the basic facts of the case as the McCanns have sought an injunction in Portugal against the chief inspector on the case who has recently had his book injuncted pending appeal.

It should be noted that WikiLeaks does not have an opinion about the veracity of Mr. Bennett's arguments. Our interest here is to protect the hisotical record from redaction.

File | Torrent | Magnet

Further information
Context United Kingdom Non-governmental organization The Madeleine Foundation Primary language

File size in bytes

File type information

Microsoft Office Document
Cryptographic identity

SHA256 4aa23a7ced23ebda9972c81ab3d893090f3d01cec9e0820fb54df50e7087e34d
SOURCE : Missing Madeleine Forum