I do not believe Shreni approached a complete stranger and asked for a hit man....I find it strange when police asked for the taxis registration number , Shreni replied he had to ring London for it ????? This means the taxi must have been ordered from London. Someone from London must also know this Taxi driver otherwise nothing fits. So, my question is ,who in London gave Shreni Tongos number so he could tell the police the car registration ???? How would someone in London even know the registration of this car?
Two families who know each other lose two people in the same way. Alvita Raghavjee is in the tourist trade..Shreni implied he was also in the tourist trade , did he have a business card from Alvita to prove this was so, to achieve a discount?...my mind keeps circling around Alvita and Shreni...The son of Dr.Pox ....also....the fact that the taxi driver knew of a previous hit , and low and behold the son lives in Bristol and is a very good friend of Shreni....Does the son have something to do with the death of his father...did Anni overhear something and they were afraid she would not remain silent?....too many loose ends here and no, I do not believe in coincidences.