Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shrien Dewani : Only Himself to Blame

by duncanr
Shrien Dewani has reportedly hired publicist Max Clifford and a South African lawyer to counter unfounded claims that he was in any way involved in his wife’s death –
He may very well be innocent of any complicity in the killing of his wife, Anni Dewani.
Any suspicion that he is otherwise, however, is entirely Mr Dewani’s own fault – stemming from . . .

his inconsistent accounts of what happened that evening
1. They went to the township of Gugulethu because his wife wanted to see the ‘real’ Africa (Daily Mail)
They went into the township at the taxi-driver’s suggestion, to see some dancing (The Sun)
2. They were attacked within 3 minutes of leaving the motorway to enter the township (Daily Mail)
They had dined at a restaurant prior to the attack (The Sun)
3. He was pushed out of the moving taxi through the back window (The Mail)
He was pulled out of the taxi through the back window while it was stationary (The Sun)
It is understandable that there might be some inconsistencies in Mr Dewani’s account of that evening, given the tricks that grief and shock can play on the mind.
And some of the inconsistencies may be more apparent than real – a result of the way the questions were framed and reported
Whether he was pushed out of a moving car or pulled out of a stationary one is something one might expect Mr Dewani to be pretty clear about though